Facebook Video Monetization 2023

Are your Facebook videos finally getting the views you’ve dreamt of? Then now might be just the time to turn those views into money signs. 

The good news is, Facebook now has multiple ways to help you become a full-time content creator right on their platform.

Here, we’ve laid out the best Facebook video monetization options you can use to get that money ball rolling. 

But First, Who Can Monetize Facebook Videos?

Until recently, Facebook video monetization was only possible for a small number of Facebook partners.

Now, Facebook has a number of monetization options that are available to content creators, but you’ll have to meet a certain criteria.

You’re eligible to make money on Facebook if:

Your videos follow Facebook’s Community Standards, meaning your videos are free of graphic violence and hate speech.

You abide by Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies, like sharing original content.

You are the Admin for the Facebook page.

Consistently meeting these rules will put you in a great position to start making money from advertisers.

You can check your eligibility in the Creator Studio to get a better picture of how to get paid on Facebook. 

The Creator Studio is where you can manage your Facebook video monetization and track its performance.

1. Leverage the Brand Collabs Manager

Have you been looking for an easy way to connect with major brands to make your influencer dreams come true?

Facebook’s Brand Collabs Manager sets up influential content creators with brands to pitch their products and services.

To monetize your Facebook page with these partnerships, you need to have at least 1,000 followers and one of the following:

15,000 post engagements over the last 60 days.

180,000 minutes viewed over the last 60 days.

30,000 1-minute views for 3-minute videos over the last 60 days.

An image displays how to qualify for Facebook Collabs Manager, one of the best Facebook video monetization options.

Adding branded content to your Facebook page can improve your revenue and your follower engagement, but it’s far from the only option.

2. Set Up Subscriptions

Maybe you’re looking to avoid corporate partnerships and would rather stay independent. Good news, you can still make money on Facebook.

Subscriptions, formerly known as Fan Subscriptions, puts your content behind a paywall so only your followers can see your posts.

An image displays the qualifications for Facebook Subscriptions, one of the best Facebook video monetization options.

Subscriptions has stricter eligibility requirements than Brand Collabs Manager. To put up your paywall you need:

To have at least 10,000 followers or at least 250 return viewers.

50,000 Post Engagements or 180,000 watch minutes in the last 60 days.

If you decide to put content behind a paywall, you’ll need to make sure it’s worth the price of admission. 

Think about sharing behind-the-scenes videos or hosting Q&A’s for subscribers only.

Remember to keep sharing free content as well so that you’re still engaging with the Facebook community at large and growing your followers.

How To Set Up Facebook Subscriptions

If your Facebook page is eligible for Subscriptions you can set them up yourself following these steps:

Go to the Creator Studio on Facebook.

Select the page you’d like to monetize and click “Start Setup.”

Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.

Setup your Facebook video payout account.

Select the benefits the subscribers will get.

Choose your subscription price.

Wait for approval.

You can research what other video creators charge for their content if you need help deciding on a price. 

It’s important you do your research, as setting the price too high may alienate followers, and setting it too low will have you missing out on well-deserved cash.

3. Use In-Stream Ads, AKA Facebook Ad Breaks

In-stream ads is a method of Facebook video monetization that most people are familiar with, whether they are content creators or viewers.

In-stream ads are played while your video is being viewed, and they come in 3 forms:

Pre-roll ads: the ads that play before your video starts.

Mid-roll ads: the ads that play during your video.

Image ads: static ads that are displayed below your video.

An image displays the 3 types of In-Stream Ads that content creators can use for Facebook video monetization.

To be eligible for in-stream ads, you need to have:

10,000 page followers.

Videos that are at least one minute long. 

At least 600,000 minutes of view-time in the last 60 days.

At least 5 active videos.

You can verify your eligibility in the Creator Studio.


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