YouTube Earning (monetization) 2023

How Much Do YouTubers Make in 2023?

The average YouTuber makes $0.18 per view, which equates to around $18 for every 1,000 video views.

If you’re wondering how much money YouTubers make, you’re in the right place. We’ll go over the average YouTube pay rate.

How Much Do YouTubers Make Per View?

According to a variety of sources, YouTubers can make anywhere between $0.01 to $0.03 per view with AdSense, with an average of $0.18 per view. However, the amount of money will pay depends on a variety of factors, such as:

The number of views your video receives

The number of clicks an ad receives

Ad quality


Video length

How Much Money Do YouTubers Make Every 1,000 Views?

With the average YouTube pay rate hovering between $0.01 and $0.03 for an ad view, a YouTuber can make around $18 per 1,000 ad views, which comes out to $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views. Forbes also estimates that for top talent, a YouTuber can make about $5 for every 1,000 video views.

With that said, creating a YouTube channel can be a great side hustle, especially if you produce engaging content that attracts a large audience. However, getting to this point can be tough work, and we’ll get more into that later on in this post.

How Much Money Does a YouTuber Make Per Subscriber?

YouTube does not pay you based on the number of subscribers you have on your channel. Subscribers are people who choose to follow your account so that they can have easy access to your latest videos. When you post a video, it will automatically show up on their homepage.

Subscribers are valuable because they’re the ones who will most likely comment, like, and share your videos with even more people. That means you can gain more views and potentially more YouTube money if you place the right ads. So, while YouTube does not pay you based on the number of subscribers you have, they are integral to the number of views your videos receive.

How Much Money Can a YouTuber Make Per Video?

The amount of money a YouTuber can make per video depends on a variety of factors, such as the number of views they accumulate and how many Google ads that are displayed throughout their videos. Using Forbes’s estimated pay rate of $5 per 1,000 views, a YouTube video with 1,000,000 views can make upward of $5,000, which makes being a modern-day influencer a pretty lucrative job! However, as previously noted, these are estimates, and some YouTubers may make more or less depending on the quality of the ad, click-through rate, and other factors.

How Many Views Do YouTubers Need to Get Paid?

A checklist overviews the certain criteria YouTubers must meet to become a part of the YouTube Partner Program, which is how YouTubers are paid.

To get paid by YouTube, you first need to reach a balance of $100 or more from views. This means you’ll need to garner 20,000 views if you receive $5 per 1,000 views. To make this happen, YouTube created the YouTube Partner Program, which allows you to get paid through advertisements on your page. To be accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, you must:

Have at least 1,000 subscribers

Reach 4,000 valid public watch hours in the past 12 months

Sign and agree to the terms and conditions

Have an AdSense account

Get reviewed and approved

Once you’re in the YouTube Partner Program, you’ll be able to start bringing in money through advertisements. This is done in two ways, either cost per thousand views (CPM) or cost per click (CPC). With CPM, you can earn money based on every 1,000 views you accumulate, while with CPC, you can earn money based on the number of people that click on the ad placed on your page or video.

However, it’s important to note that Google will give you 68% of the revenue when displaying ads with AdSense. So, for example, if a video generates $1,000 from AdSense revenue, you will receive $680.

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